
Stefan Schumacher

Overview of the countries where this rider has raced.

Races per country

The number of different races started per country.
1 Italy34
2 Germany21
3 Belgium16
4 Spain16
5 Netherlands10
6 France9
7 Denmark7
8 China5
9 Poland4
10 Switzerland4
11 Algeria4
12 Norway2
13 Latvia2
14 Austria2
15 Portugal2
16 Qatar2
17 Serbia2
18 Indonesia2
19 Croatia2
20 Estonia2
21 Czech Republic2
22 Canada2
23 Iran1
24 Luxembourg1
25 Morocco1
26 Mexico1
27 Philippines1
28 Bosnia and Herzegovina1
29 Australia1
30 Romania1
31 Argentina1
32 Türkiye1
33 United States1