
Stian Sommerseth

Races per country

Races competed per country. If a race travels through multiple countries, each country is counted.
1 FranceGrand Prix de la Somme « Conseil Général 80 »
Le Tour de Bretagne Cycliste - Trophée des Granitiers
Paris - Corrèze
Rhône-Alpes Isère Tour
Rothaus Regio-Tour International
Tour de l'Ain
Tour de l'Avenir
Tour de Normandie
2 GermanyInternational Rheinland-Pfalz Rundfahrt
Rothaus Regio-Tour International
Sparkassen Giro
World Championships MU - Road Race
3 NorwayNational Championships Norway - Road Race
National Championships Norway MJ - Road Race
National Championships Norway MU - Road Race
Ringerike GP
4 NetherlandsEuropean Continental Championships MU - Road Race
Int. Junioren Driedaagse van Axel
Olympia's Tour
5 CroatiaIstarsko Proljece - Istrian Spring Trophy
Porec Trophy - Trofej Porec
6 AustriaWorld Championships MU - Road Race1
7 CanadaWorld Championships MJ - Road Race1
8 DenmarkColliers Classic - GP Aarhus1
9 IrelandTour of Ireland1
10 SpainCinturón Ciclista a Mallorca1

Nations by date

Which countries did Stian Sommerseth last add to his list?
10 Ireland2007-08-22
9 Austria2006-09-23
8 Germany2006-05-15
7 Denmark2006-04-30
6 Croatia2006-03-12
5 France2005-04-15
4 Spain2005-04-06
3 Canada2003-10-11
2 Norway2003-06-27
1 Netherlands2003-05-23