Sylvester Vittinghus Stokbro

»Uno-X - Carl Ras Roskilde Junior
Uno-X - Carl Ras Roskilde Junior


Profile photo of Sylvester  Vittinghus Stokbro
Date of birth: 16th July 2007 (17)
Nationality: Denmark

Points per specialty

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        No races on program.




        06.101Bording Cup - Holbæk (NAT) 129more
        29.0962Sønderborg Løbet (NAT) 94.6more
        22.0911Greve CC (NAT) 99more
        21.097Sydbank Løbet powered by Cranks (NAT) 36more
        14.092Roskilde CR (NAT) 108more
        06.09 » 08.09Grand Prix Rüebliland (2.1) more
        25Youth classification more
        72General classification more
        08.0975Stage 3 - Vordemwald › Vordemwald 105.2more
        07.099683Stage 2b - Seon › Seon 49.5more
        07.0910855Stage 2a - Seon › Seon 60.3more
        06.092123Stage 1 - Schneisingen › Schneisingen 85.512more
        25.0843Trofeo Emilio Paganessi (1.1) 137more
        24.0831Trofeo Comune di Vertova - Memorial Pietro Merelli (1.1) 81more
        11.083ABC København Classic (NAT) 123.2more
        02.08 » 04.08Aubel-Thimister-Stavelot (2.1) more
        03.08DNFStage 2b - Thimister › Thimister 95.1more
        03.08413Stage 2a (TTT) - Thimister › Thimister 972more
        02.087373Stage 1 - Aubel › Aubel 111more
        23.0648National Championships Denmark MJ - Road Race (NC) 116.5more
        21.0611National Championships Denmark MJ - ITT (NC) 26.730more
        16.0642Bording Cup - Nysted (NAT) 136.4more
        15.069Bording Cup - Nakskov (NAT) 26.5more
        09.066CK Nordsjælland Linjeløb (NAT) 105more
        23.05 » 26.05Tour du Pays de Vaud (2.Ncup) more
        15Youth classification more
        48General classification more
        26.0512Stage 4 - Pomy › Pomy 97.323more
        25.055350Stage 3 - Ollon › Villars-sur-Ollon 87.8more
        24.054945Stage 2 - Apples › Apples 121more
        23.053939Stage 1 (ITT) - Gollion › Gollion 7.2more
        17.05 » 19.05SPIE Internationale Juniorendriedaagse (2.1) more
        9Youth classification more
        24General classification 11more
        19.0523Stage 4 - Velzeke › Velzeke 99.93more
        18.0511440Stage 3 - Sluiskil › Sluiskil 80.5more
        18.054943Stage 2 (ITT) - Westdorpe › Westdorpe 11.9more
        17.055555Stage 1 - Axel › Axel 103.7more
        09.05 » 11.05Tour de Himmelfart (NAT) more
        14General classification more
        11.0536Stage 5 - Odder › Odder 129.6more
        10.054Stage 4 - Odder › Odder 10.9more
        10.0518Stage 3 - Odder › Odder 78.5more
        09.0525Stage 2 - Odder › Odder 27.2more
        09.058Stage 1 - Odder › Odder 77.2more
        05.0557Grand Prix Bob Jungels (1.1) 120more
        28.042Campione Grand Prix Sandbjerg (NAT) 94.5more
        21.043Visit Vejle Løbet (NAT) 115.2more
        14.045Næstved BC (NAT) 111more
        07.043Meldgaardløbet (NAT) 115more
        06.0414Hurtig Joakim Løbet (NAT) 52more
        29.03 » 01.04TRIXXO Ster van Zuid-Limburg (2.1) more
        01.04DNFStage 4 - Veldwezelt › Mopertingen 120more
        31.039386Stage 3 - Hoeselt › Veldwezelt 113.4more
        30.037067Stage 2 - Mopertingen › Hoeselt 120more
        29.034141Stage 1 (ITT) - Sittard › Sittard 6.4more
        3527 km in 38 days | PCS points: 151 | UCI points: 0
        = number of kilometres in a group before the peloton

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