
Veronika Shut

Races per country

Races competed per country. If a race travels through multiple countries, each country is counted.
1 UkraineHorizon Park Women Challenge
National Championships Ukraine WJ - ITT
National Championships Ukraine WJ - Road Race
VR Women
2 FranceUEC Road European Championships WJ - ITT
UEC Road European Championships WJ - Road Race
3 BelgiumGent-Wevelgem WJ1
4 NetherlandsHealthy Ageing Tour1
5 TürkiyeTour of Eftalia Hotels & Velo Alanya WE1

Nations by date

Which countries did Veronika Shut last add to her list?
5 Türkiye2018-02-02
4 Netherlands2017-04-05
3 Belgium2017-03-26
2 France2016-09-14
1 Ukraine2016-07-08