
Walter Fernando Perez

Races per country

Races competed per country. If a race travels through multiple countries, each country is counted.
1 ArgentinaGiro del Sol San Juan
Tour de San Luis
2 ChileVuelta de Chile1
3 ItalyGiro del Medio Brenta1
4 MexicoPan American Games ME - Road Race1
5 RomaniaCycling Tour of Sibiu1
6 UruguayVuelta Ciclista del Uruguay1

Nations by date

Which countries did Walter Fernando Perez last add to his list?
6 Uruguay2015-03-27
5 Romania2014-07-17
4 Italy2014-07-13
3 Mexico2011-10-22
2 Argentina2007-01-23
1 Chile2006-05-06