
Yerlan Pernebekov

Races per country

Races competed per country. If a race travels through multiple countries, each country is counted.
1 ItalyGiro di Basilicata
Giro Internazionale della Lunigiana
Trofeo Buffoni
Trofeo comune di Vertova Memorial Pietro Merelli
Trofeo Emilio Paganessi
World Championships MJ - Road Race
2 Germany3-Etappen-Rundfahrt
Trofeo Karlsberg
3 NetherlandsInt. Junioren Driedaagse van Axel
World Championships MJ - Road Race
4 BelgiumInt. Junioren Driedaagse van Axel1
5 CroatiaTour of Istria - Memorial Edi Rajkovic1
6 Czech RepublicCourse de la Paix Juniors1
7 IndiaAsian Cycling Championships - en ligne / ind. road race - MJ1
8 LuxembourgGP Général Patton1
9 PolandLa Coupe du Président de la Ville de Grudziądz1

Nations by date

Which countries did Yerlan Pernebekov last add to his list?
9 Belgium2013-05-19
8 Croatia2013-04-19
7 India2013-03-15
6 Netherlands2012-09-23
5 Italy2012-08-25
4 Luxembourg2012-07-07
3 Germany2012-05-11
2 Czech Republic2012-05-03
1 Poland2012-04-26