
Androni Giocattoli - Venezuela (PCT)


Transfers this season

Overview of transfers for 2014.

Transfers in

Riders to come into the team at the start of 2014.
1 BANDIERA MarcoIAM Cycling
2 BELLETTI ManuelAG2R La Mondiale
3 DALL'ANTONIA TizianoCannondale Pro Cycling Team
4 GÁLVIZ Carlos Johan
5 HOOGERLAND JohnnyVacansoleil - DCM
6 TALIANI Alessio
7 TESTI Nicola
8 VAN HUMMEL KennyVacansoleil - DCM
9 ZILIOLI Gianfranco
10 ZORDAN Andrea

Transfers out

Riders that have left or retire the team at the end of 2013.
#RiderGoes to
1 CHIARINI Riccardo?
2 ERMETI Giairoretired
3 FELLINE FabioTrek Factory Racing
4 GAVAZZI Mattiaretired
5 GIL MARTINEZ Tomas Aurelioretired
6 MALAGUTI Alessandroretired
7 REDA Francesco?
8 RUBIANO Miguel AngelTeam Colombia