
General Store - Essegibi - F.Lli Curia (CT)


Transfers this season

Overview of transfers for 2022.

Transfers in

Riders to come into the team at the start of 2022.
1 BUSATTO FrancescoUC Trevigiani - Campana Imballaggi
2 CARPENE Gianmarco
3 D'AIUTO Filippo
4 DISCONZI Samuele
5 FAVRETTO Carlo Francesco
6 FLORIAN Riccardo
7 PASQUOTTO Alessandro
8 PERIC VojislavD'Amico - UM Tools
9 ZECCHIN MichaelWork Service Marchiol Vega

Transfers out

Riders that have left or retire the team at the end of 2021.
#RiderGoes to
1 AGOSTINI NicholasUC Trevigiani
2 BASEGGIO MatteoUC Trevigiani
3 GÓRAK DominikHRE Mazowsze Serce Polski
4 LUCCA RiccardoWork Service Vitalcare Vega
5 MARTINI Davide?
6 MENEGOTTO Jacoporetired
7 MIGNOLLI Gianluca?
8 ROCCHETTA CristianZalf Euromobil Fior
10 ZAHIRI Abderrahim?