
Giusfredi Bianchi (UCI)


Transfers this season

Overview of transfers for 2017.

Transfers in

Riders to come into the team at the start of 2017.

Transfers out

Riders that have left or retire the team at the end of 2016.
#RiderGoes to
1 ALLEN Bethany?
2 COVRIG Ana Mariaretired
3 CRETTI ClaudiaValcar PBM
4 MAFFEIS Angela?
5 OLSSON Sara?
6 PAVIN MichelaTop Girls Fassa Bortolo
7 RAGAZINSKIENE DaivaAlé Cipollini
8 RIABCHENKO TetyanaLensworld - Kuota
9 STRICKER Anna Zita MariaBTC City Ljubljana
10 VIECELI Lararetired