
Hagens Berman Axeon (PCT)


Transfers this season

Overview of transfers for 2018.

Transfers in

Riders to come into the team at the start of 2018.
1 ALMEIDA JoãoUnieuro Trevigiani - Hemus 1896
2 BENNETT SeanJelly Belly p/b Maxxis
3 BJERG MikkelTeam Giant - Castelli
4 DAVIS Cole
5 MOSTOV ZekeAevolo
6 PHILIPSEN JasperBMC Development Team
7 REVARD Thomas

Transfers out

Riders that have left or retire the team at the end of 2017.
#RiderGoes to
1 COSTA Adrienretired
2 CURRAN Geoffreyretired
3 DUNBAR EddieAqua Blue Sport
4 LAWLESS Chrisretired
5 NARVÁEZ JhonatanQuick-Step Floors
6 OWEN LoganTeam EF Education First - Drapac p/b Cannondale
7 POWLESS NeilsonTeam LottoNL-Jumbo
8 YOUNG ChadPassed away on 2017-04-28