
Omega Pharma - Quick-Step (WT)


Races per nation

Number of races and racedays per country in 2013.

Top nations for team

44% of all racedays for Omega Pharma - Quick-Step were in France, Spain or Belgium.

Per country

Pos.NationNumber of racesRacedays
1 Belgium2035
2 France1151
3 Spain839
4 Italy530
5 Netherlands415
6 Germany33
7 Canada22
8 Switzerland215
9 United States18
10 Argentina17
11 Türkiye18
12 Qatar16
13 Portugal14
14 Poland17
15 Oman16
16 Malaysia110
17 Japan11
18 Great Britain18
19 Denmark15
20 Czech Republic11
21 China15
22 Australia16
23 Austria18