
Aphrodite Cycling Race - Women for future

2023»One day race»TochniVavatsinia(78.9km)

Best performing teams

Overview of the performances by team, the final score is computed as follows: StageWins*100 + DaysInGCLead*15 + DaysInGreen*10 + DaysInKOM*10 + DaysInYouthLead*5 + #StageTop3s*20 + #StageTop10s*5 + MAX(0,6-BestGCRider)*daysIntoRace
#TeamScoreBest in GCStagesGCPointsKOMYouthTop3Top10
1 Human Powered Health
2 Tashkent City Women Professional Cycling Team
3 Greece
4 Cyprus
5 Activate Cyprus Mixed Team
6 BTC City Ljubljana Scott