
Dookoła Mazowsza

2013»6 Stages»KozieniceNowy Dwor Mazowieck(819.7km)

Average speed per stage

The average speed over all stages is 46.069 km/hour. The average speed for the whole race is computed by dividing the total distance by the sum of stage times of the final GC winner. In the last column the average speed up to that stage is shown. This is the average speed for the leader in the race at that stage.
StageKMAvg. speedTotal avg. speed after stage
Stage 1 | Kozienice - Kozienice17748.948.895
Stage 2 | Warszawa-Wesola - Wysokie Mazowieck18646.5847.681
Stage 3 | Wysokie Mazowieck - Łomża16045.2846.919
Stage 4 (TTT) | Nowy Dwor Mazowieck - Nowy Dwor Mazowieck26.753.6747.207
Stage 5 | Modlin - Nowy Dwor Mazowieck11045.3146.88
Stage 6 | Nowy Dwor Mazowieck - Nowy Dwor Mazowieck1604346.069

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