
Itzulia Basque Country

2024»6 Stages»IrunEibar(832.1km)

Most constant rider

Rider with the smallest difference in best and worst result.
#RiderDifferenceBest resultWorst result
1 Armirail Bruno281240
2 Hagen Carl Fredrik326294
3 Barguil Warren334679
4 Vauquelin Kévin34640
5 Ryan Archie474693
6 de la Cruz David494089
7 Garofoli Gianmarco501565
8 Delaplace Anthony503484
9 Mintegi Iker5074124
10 Dunbar Eddie524193
11 Juaristi Txomin532881
12 Pacher Quentin59463
13 Champion Thomas6283145
14 Gate Aaron6489153
15 de la Parte Víctor682795
16 Lecerf William Junior682896
17 Rochas Rémy6945114
18 Donovan Mark6932101
19 Verre Alessandro6978147
20 Iribar Unai7253125
21 Combaud Romain7278150
22 Leemreize Gijs7733110
23 Ruiz Ibon771895
24 López Harold Martín7867145
25 Howson Damien80888
26 Geschke Simon8127108
27 Langellotti Victor811495
28 Juul-Jensen Christopher8166147
29 Schachmann Maximilian82385
30 Zambanini Edoardo82284
31 Van Tricht Stan8447131
32 Tusveld Martijn8528113
33 Janssens Jimmy8549134
34 Vergallito Luca8519104
35 Hayter Ethan86692
36 Wood Harrison8731118
37 Hindley Jai8814102
38 Fouché James9163154
39 Barrenetxea Jon9251143
40 Buitrago Santiago946100
41 Jousseaume Alan9549144
42 Porter Rudy9543138
43 Faure Prost Alexy9733130
44 Hänninen Jaakko9858156
45 Azparren Enekoitz9942141
46 Urán Rigoberto10126127
47 Buchmann Emanuel10140141
48 Taaramäe Rein10362165
49 del Toro Isaac10410114
50 Beloki Markel10516121
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