
Tour de San Luis

2015»7 Stages»San LuisSan Luis(948.2km)

Average speed per stage

The average speed over all stages is 41.921 km/hour. The average speed for the whole race is computed by dividing the total distance by the sum of stage times of the final GC winner. In the last column the average speed up to that stage is shown. This is the average speed for the leader in the race at that stage.
StageKMAvg. speedTotal avg. speed after stage
Stage 1 | San Luis - Villa Mercedes186.84039.998
Stage 2 | La Punta - Mirador de Potrero185.340.6640.325
Stage 3 | Concarán - Juana Koslay176.346.2542.056
Stage 4 | Villa Dolores - Alto El Amago142.540.8341.797
Stage 5 (ITT) | San Luis - San Luis17.451.941.968
Stage 6 | Achiras - Filo Sierras Comechingones117.536.9341.165
Stage 7 | San Luis - San Luis122.447.8541.921

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