
Tour of Albania

2018»5 Stages»TiranaFier(809.8km)


Emil Dima is the youngest debutant in Tour of Albania in 2018. There are 18 debutants.
1 DIMA EmilMsTina-Focus21y + 86d
2 PUCCIONI DarioSangemini - MG.Kvis 21y + 245d
3 COLE BrendanProject Nice Cote D'Azur21y + 329d
4 DOBRE Vlad-NicolaeMsTina-Focus22y + 162d
5 BOUGUET HugoProject Nice Cote D'Azur22y + 307d
6 NIKA IltjanAmore & Vita - Prodir23y + 57d
7 RUMAC JosipMeridiana Kamen Team23y + 205d
8 MALTAR BrunoMeridiana Kamen Team23y + 225d
9 ZURLO FedericoMsTina-Focus24y + 83d
10 MARINI NicolasMsTina-Focus24y + 294d
11 AMADORI JulienProject Nice Cote D'Azur25y + 88d
12 STACCHIOTTI RiccardoMsTina-Focus26y + 192d
13 MARCELLI MattiaMsTina-Focus26y + 293d
14 PUGLIESE AntoninoMeridiana Kamen Team27y + 317d
15 BANICEK DeniMeridiana Kamen Team28y + 81d
16 VAUBOURZEIX ThomasProject Nice Cote D'Azur28y + 337d
17 PULIDORI JérômeProject Nice Cote D'Azur31y + 304d
18 COGNET StéphaneProject Nice Cote D'Azur36y + 195d