
Vuelta a Burgos

2013»5 Stages»BurgosLagunas de Neila(803km)

Average speed per stage

The average speed over all stages is 41.201 km/hour. The average speed for the whole race is computed by dividing the total distance by the sum of stage times of the final GC winner. In the last column the average speed up to that stage is shown. This is the average speed for the leader in the race at that stage.
StageKMAvg. speedTotal avg. speed after stage
Stage 1 | Burgos - Burgos13942.4342.428
Stage 2 | Roa de Duero - Ciudad Romana de Clunia15743.442.94
Stage 3 | Cuatro Villas (Villadiego) - Complejo Karstico de Ojo Guareña17541.4142.359
Stage 4 | Doña Santos Burpellet - Santo Domingo De Silos16241.3642.1
Stage 5 | Comunero de Revenga - Lagunas de Neila17038.2141.202

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