
Vuelta Ciclista del Uruguay

2017»10 Stages»LasPiedrasShopping Costa Urbana(1435.7km)

Average speed per stage

The average speed over all stages is 46.085 km/hour. The average speed for the whole race is computed by dividing the total distance by the sum of stage times of the final GC winner. In the last column the average speed up to that stage is shown. This is the average speed for the leader in the race at that stage.
StageKMAvg. speedTotal avg. speed after stage
Stage 1 | LasPiedras - Minas129.437.637.601
Stage 2 | Santa Rosa - Colonia19250.6344.433
Stage 3a | Carmelo - Fray Bentos141.243.0144.159
Stage 3b (TTT) | Paraje Las Víboras - Mercedes20.451.8644.193
Stage 4 | Young - Durazno164.151.0945.818
Stage 5 | Paso de los Toros - Pueblo Ansina199.747.3146.157
Stage 6 (ITT) | Melo - Melo34.244.3546.084
Stage 7 | Melo - Treinta Y Tres107.142.2845.634
Stage 8 | Velázquez - Rocha169.143.2145.263
Stage 9 | Rocha - Maldonado159.151.5545.941
Stage 10 | Maldonado - Shopping Costa Urbana119.447.7946.085

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