
Vuelta Ciclista a Chiloe

2011»11 Stages»AricaSantiago(1214.7km)

Hardest stages

The hardest stages in Vuelta Ciclista a Chiloe are sorted by the number of vertical meters and profileScore.

Most vertical meters

Pos.#Vertical metersStage
1Stage 1 (ITT)
Arica - Arica
2Stage 2
Iquique - Iquique
3Stage 3
Antofagasta - Antofagasta
4Stage 4
Copiapo - Copiapo
5Stage 5
Puerto Montt - Osorno
6Stage 6
Valdivia - Temuco
7Stage 7 (ITT)
Concepcion - Concepcion
8Stage 8
Concepcion - Chillan
9Stage 9
Talca - Curico
10Stage 10
Rancagua - Farellones
11Stage 11
Santiago - Santiago
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Stages sorted by profileScore

1Stage 1 (ITT)
Arica - Arica
2Stage 2
Iquique - Iquique
3Stage 3
Antofagasta - Antofagasta
4Stage 4
Copiapo - Copiapo
5Stage 5
Puerto Montt - Osorno
6Stage 6
Valdivia - Temuco
7Stage 7 (ITT)
Concepcion - Concepcion
8Stage 8
Concepcion - Chillan
9Stage 9
Talca - Curico
10Stage 10
Rancagua - Farellones
11Stage 11
Santiago - Santiago
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