
World Championships

2005»One day race»MadridMadrid(273km)

Best performing teams

Overview of the performances by team, the final score is computed as follows: StageWins*100 + DaysInGCLead*15 + DaysInGreen*10 + DaysInKOM*10 + DaysInYouthLead*5 + #StageTop3s*20 + #StageTop10s*5 + MAX(0,6-BestGCRider)*daysIntoRace
#TeamScoreBest in GCStagesGCPointsKOMYouthTop3Top10
1 Ireland
2 Brazil
3 Portugal
4 South Africa
5 Iran
6 Canada
7 Lithuania
8 Belarus
9 Japan
10 Sweden
11 Czech Republic
12 Slovakia
13 Uzbekistan
14 Latvia
15 Bulgaria
16 Austria
17 New Zealand
18 Norway
19 Croatia
20 Venezuela
21 Russia
22 Germany
23 Italy
24 Australia
25 Netherlands
26 United States
27 Luxembourg
28 Denmark
29 Kazakhstan
30 Colombia
31 Spain
32 Switzerland
33 Estonia
34 Ukraine
35 Belgium
36 France
37 Poland
38 Slovenia
39 Argentina
40 Great Britain