
Giro d'Italia

2024»Stage 1»Venaria RealeTorino(140km)

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First prediction2024-05-04 13:35:11
Last update of prediction2024-05-04 13:45:43
Total players for this race2881

Players prediction

Predicted riders and allocated stars by this player. The percentage of stars is the amount of stars a rider has received from all players. For example, if there were 1000 players, a rider could receive at most 5000 stars. It expresses how (un)likely the result of the rider was.
#RiderStarsResultPointsTotal% of stars
1 NARVÁEZ Jhonatan1110101.2
2 SCHACHMANN Maximilian129 + 5140.4
3 POGAČAR Tadej5340 + 54568.2
4 ALAPHILIPPE Julian1170 + 0017.0
5 PARET-PEINTRE Aurélien1240 + 007.6

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