
Kinan Racing Team (CT)


PCS Team ranking

Breakdown for the PCS team ranking. Summation of points from the 100 best top-30 results over a 12-month period plus 2 weeks overlap. Races are counted once. After the finish of a stage, the corresponding stage of the previous edition is excluded. The limit of 100 races ensures that quality results weight heavier than accumulating smaller results. Also, this gives a more level playing field for teams with less riders on the team.
  • Date
12024-04-121 Oceania Continental Championships ME - Road RaceCAVANAGH150
22024-04-127 Oceania Continental Championships ME - Road RaceMOREY40
32023-05-285 Tour of JapanMOREY28
42023-03-166 Tour de TaiwanMOREY24
52024-04-135 Oceania Continental Championships ME - ITTMOREY20
62023-10-097 Tour de KyushuCAVANAGH20
72023-05-288 Tour of JapanLEBAS18
82024-04-136 Oceania Continental Championships ME - ITTCAVANAGH16
92023-10-011 Oita Urban ClassicCAVANAGH15
102023-05-252 Tour of Japan | Stage 5CAVANAGH12
112023-10-092 Tour de Kyushu | Stage 3CAVANAGH12
122023-10-0912 Tour de KyushuMOREY10
132023-06-253 National Championships Japan ME - Road RaceYAMAMOTO7
142023-11-053 Mine AKIYOSHI-DAI Karst International Road RaceLEBAS7
152023-10-013 Oita Urban ClassicMOREY7
162023-05-263 Tour of Japan | Stage 6MOREY7
172023-06-041 Tour de Kumano | Stage 2YAMAMOTO5
182024-02-1116 Tour of AntalyaMOREY5
192024-04-077 Tour of MersinLEBAS4
202023-03-136 Tour de Taiwan | Stage 2LEBAS3
212023-10-076 Tour de Kyushu | Stage 1MAGOSAKI3
222023-03-1618 Tour de TaiwanLEBAS3
232023-05-246 Tour of Japan | Stage 4MAGOSAKI3
242023-03-167 Tour de Taiwan | Stage 5MAGOSAKI2
252023-06-042 Tour de Kumano | Stage 2LEBAS2
262024-01-149 New Zealand Cycle ClassicMOREY2
272023-05-257 Tour of Japan | Stage 5YAMAMOTO2
282023-05-267 Tour of Japan | Stage 6LEBAS2
292023-05-238 Tour of Japan | Stage 3MAGOSAKI1
302023-05-228 Tour of Japan | Stage 2MAGOSAKI1
312023-10-088 Tour de Kyushu | Stage 2CAVANAGH1
322023-05-288 Tour of Japan | Stage 8MAGOSAKI1