
Q36.5 Pro Cycling Team (PRT)


Rider history

The full list of riders that was on contract by this team sorted by first contract date.
  • Nationality
#Start dateRider
162024-01-01 FANCELLU Alessandro
152023-01-01 BRAMBILLA Gianluca
142023-01-01 CALZONI Walter
132023-01-01 CONCA Filippo
122023-01-01 FEDELI Alessandro
112023-01-01 MOSCHETTI Matteo
102023-01-01 PARISINI Nicolò
92023-01-01 PUPPIO Antonio
82021-01-01 ARU Fabio
72021-01-01 PELUCCHI Matteo
62020-01-01 BATTISTELLA Samuele
52020-01-01 POZZOVIVO Domenico
42019-08-01 KONYCHEV Alexander
32019-01-01 NIZZOLO Giacomo
22018-08-01 SOBRERO Matteo
12013-01-01 SBARAGLI Kristian