
Trofeo Laigueglia

2020»One day race»LaiguegliaLaigueglia(202km)

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After the start of a race you can view the prediction of other players. 1
First prediction2020-02-12 21:14:37
Last update of prediction2020-02-12 21:15:10
Total players for this race729

Players prediction

Predicted riders and allocated stars by this player. The percentage of stars is the amount of stars a rider has received from all players. For example, if there were 1000 players, a rider could receive at most 5000 stars. It expresses how (un)likely the result of the rider was.
#RiderStarsResultPointsTotal% of stars
1 CICCONE Giulio41404035.3
2 ROSA Diego2316 + 52126.9
3 VISCONTI Giovanni2110 + 0038.1
4 HARDY Romain1290 + 001.9

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